Westmont Counseling Center
We're here to help
Westmont Counseling Center provides quality counseling and other mental health services to the residents of South Los Angeles, regardless of age, race, income, ethnicity, or ability to pay.We can help you deal with stress, trauma, hopelessness, depression, or anger and conflict. We also offer assistance with problems related to relationships and families, grief and loss, and health and aging.
Check this out!
MHD-Off The Record
On this episode of MHD off The Record, our Executive Director and Founder, Joel McLafferty, discusses the disparity in services across communities, community resilience, and the importance of having highly qualified mental health professionals that reflect the community they serve.
L.A. CADA Health Watch
On this episode of Health Watch, our Executive Director and Founder, Joel McLafferty, discusses mental health in communities of color.
Visit us
Our physical office is open Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10AM-2PM.
We are available over the phone Monday-Friday 10AM-2PM. Feel free to call us at 323-531-0565.
Our clinicians are available for therapy services 7 days of the week from 8AM-8PM.